Florida Nonprofits Executive Director Training and Big Gifts - Sunshine Certificate in Nonprofit...
Monday, July 21, 2025
The Sunshine Certificate in Nonprofit Management program assists the professional development of anyone involved in the nonprofit sector.
This class covers Executive Director Training and SUSTAINABILITY - Campaigning to Potential, Part II: Big Gifts.
Executive Director is a very challenging position for which few are properly trained or prepared. Explore the many aspects of the position and learn to use your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses.
Of the $484.85 billion given to charity in 2021, individual giving accounted for 67% or $326.87 billion. The wealthiest 12% of donors account for almost 88% of this giving. Your organization needs to have a plan to cultivate these major gifts.
Class size is limited, so sign up today!
Anywhere with a computer or phone and internet connection
Attire: Casual Attire
Florida Nonprofits was the first organization in Florida to offer a certificate program. With a more than 25-year history, the program is more popular than ever. The SCNM is presented in cooperation with Nova Southeastern University Fischler School of Education and Broward College.
• Motivating, stimulating, hands-on classes
• Eleven monthly classes conducted by experts
• Time to practice skills in between sessions
• Hand-outs and additional materials to expand your knowledgebase
• 99th percentile program recommendation from graduates
Click here to see the complete CNM curriculum.
What “hats” will you wear today? Finally! You have reached the top of the ladder and are now Executive Director of a nonprofit organization. What “Executive Director” hats will you be expected to wear … and under what circumstances? This class will examine your role in a position for which few are adequately trained or prepared. Sharing experiences with others in this class and discovering remedies to everyday challenges are valuable tools to strengthen your own unique leadership abilities.
SUSTAINABILITY - Campaigning to Potential, Part II - Big Gifts
Is your long-term fundraising producing results? This eye-opening class gives you a clear understanding of the process of soliciting the “big gift” from individuals, corporations, and foundations, and completing your development strategies for a viable fundraising plan including techniques to triple your annual fundraising in five years.
About Us
Florida Nonprofits
Florida Association of Nonprofits assists Florida’s 50,000+ nonprofits, in strengthening their leadership, management, financial and public policy capacity to reach their missions. We invite participation by anyone interested in the future of Florida’s private, nonprofit sector. Florida Nonprofits, a 501(c)(3), is Florida's state association of nonprofits and a member (since 1991) of the Independent Sector, Washington, D.C. FANO has contributed to the leadership and founding of many nonprofit organizations including: Aspen Publishers, National Council of Nonprofit Associations (NCNA, now called NCN), Sister Cities International and Kids Voting. Contributions to Florida Nonprofits are tax- deductible as allowed by law.
The Venue
Anywhere with a computer or phone and internet connection
Name: Marina PavlovAddress:512 NE Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
Phone: 305.557.1764
Email: marina.fano@gmail.com
Website: https://fano.org/
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