Florida Nonprofits – How to Start a Nonprofit Organization

Friday, April 04, 2025 
10 am

If you would like us to accommodate a different date or time to fit your schedule, please call us at 305.557.1764 or email us (Marina@FANO.org)


Anywhere with a computer or phone and internet connection

Attire: Come as you are


Ticket Type Price Qty
Individual Registration $275.00
Registration for Florida Nonprofits' Members $125.00
Registration for one or more additional participant(s) from the same organization $50.00
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Florida Nonprofits hosts “How to Start a Nonprofit Organization” the first Friday of each month or at a custom time to fit your schedule.

The purpose of this course is to provide the information you need before launching a nonprofit organization, including 32 points to consider before you decide to become a nonprofit, and what type of nonprofit best fits your need. Find out what you have to do if you want to collect charitable donations.  Also covered is how to do IRS and State of Florida filing, which is also applicable for those nonprofits that have already begun the process, but need further guidance. The class is devoted to helping you start a nonprofit organization and will also discuss the eleven areas of nonprofit management to master for success.

Classes are held the first Friday of each month beginning at 10 am (times are flexible). Classes can also be schedule
d at your convenience.  Have the information on your start-up available for discussion. The class is approximately one and a half hours. Space is limited to three organizations per session, so register now!

You must be a member because we know you can’t learn everything in one session, and, as a member, you can use our resources and ask as many questions as you like for a whole year.  The cost of the program is $275, which includes a one-year membership.  The cost for existing members is $125. Any number of additional people from the same organization may attend the session for an additional $50.


How to Form a Nonprofit Organization

The Decision to Incorporate
    - Administrative  (32 points to consider)
    - Advantages and Disadvantages of a Corporation

Steps to Incorporate
    - Bylaws
    - Board of Directors
    - Liability, Risk Management

501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status
    - Principal objectives organized and operated for the following purposes:
          Religious, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Educational
    - Testing for public support

Strategic Planning
    - Mission Statement
    - Vision Statements

Human Resources
    - Hiring & Firing
    - Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers

Financial Issues
    - Charitable Solicitation Registration
    - Fundraising
    - Grantwriting

Political Activity by Nonprofits  
    - Corporations with this status many not substantially engage in lobbying or
      engage in partisan political activities.
      Definition: Federal tax status that is valuable because of tax advantages and
      the contributors.     

Communications and Public Relations

Internet and E-Commerce

    - Small Business Competition
    - State and Local Tax Exemptions
    - Property Tax Challenges
    - Mergers

Questions & Answers


About Us

Florida Nonprofits

Florida Association of Nonprofits assists Florida’s 50,000+ nonprofits, in strengthening their leadership, management, financial and public policy capacity to reach their missions. We invite participation by anyone interested in the future of Florida’s private, nonprofit sector. Florida Nonprofits, a 501(c)(3), is Florida's state association of nonprofits and a member (since 1991) of the Independent Sector, Washington, D.C. FANO has contributed to the leadership and founding of many nonprofit organizations including: Aspen Publishers, National Council of Nonprofit Associations (NCNA, now called NCN), Sister Cities International and Kids Voting. Contributions to Florida Nonprofits are tax- deductible as allowed by law.

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The Venue


Anywhere with a computer or phone and internet connection


Name: Marina Pavlov
Address:512 NE Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
Phone: 305.557.1764
Email: marina.fano@gmail.com
Website: https://fano.org/

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